第一次有這麼多旅遊合照,整理照片的當口也有了點小感觸。於是挑了這首"Folks Who Live On The Hill"作為背景,把這支影片放上來,跟和小圓一樣,總是期待著跟戀人/另一半浪跡天涯、尋找夢想的朋友們分享。
"Folks Who Live On The Hill"
Someday we'll build a home on a hilltop high
You and I, shiny and new
Cottage that two can fill
And we'll be pleased to be called
The folks who live on the hill
Someday we may be adding a wing or two
A thing or two
We will make changes, as any family will
But we will always be called
The folks who live on the hill
Our verandah will command a view of meadows green
The sort of view that seems to want to be seen
And when our kids grow up and leave us
We sit and look at that same old view
Just we two, Darby and Joan
Who used to be Jack and Jill
The folks who like to be called
What they have always been called
The folks who live on the hill