典型的 subdural hematoma 是因為大腦表面發生 contussiion 血管破裂,或是 draining vein 破裂發生出血流到大腦表面。出血會順著大腦表面擴散,所以血塊呈所謂的新月形。
慢性硬腦膜下血腫,是個類似 abscess 的東西。血水不是單純的血水,而是有一層膜包著的。當血水越來越多時,就好像氣球越來越大,所以他的形狀呈現紡錘形是很常見的。不要想說一定是新月形。
Laceration of the middle meningeal artery and its accompanying dural sinuses is the most common etiology.
Nonoperative:EDH less than 30 mL, less than 15-mm thick, and less than 5-mm midline shift, without a focal neurological deficit and GCS greater than 8.
Operative:If a rapid size increase is noted and/or the patient develops anisocoria or a neurological deficit.
Middle meningeal artery embolization has been described in the early stages of EDH, especially when angiographic dye extravasation has been observed.